Building a better and more sustainable tomorrow.

SumCo Eco-Contracting is devoted to the specialized field of ecological construction. We have been privileged to serve as the construction partner on hundreds of Eco improvement projects across the northeastern United States, including many of the region’s most notable.
We offer additional site, civil and environmental construction experience supporting redevelopment, remediation, coastal, and linear infrastructure projects that often include challenging Eco improvement elements. We invite you to view our work.

Considering an ecological construction project? We are happy to walk your property and discuss options. 978-744-1515



Dredging & Marine Construction

Dredging & Marine Construction

Hydraulic & Mechanical Dredging

Beneficial Use of Dredge Materials

Subtidal Infrastructure

Jetties, Piers, & Bulkheads

CDF Infrastructure
More Info

Eco-contracting Service areas

Ecosystem Restoration
& Mitigation

Dam Removal
& River Restoration


& Resiliency

& Marine Construction

& Open Spaces

Native Plant


Restoration Spotlight
– Before and After

Columbia Lake Dam – Before and After

After notching and lowering the lake, the dam was removed and SumCo restored the newly exposed riparian corridor on a NJ Wildlife Management Area, opening up a 10-mile river stretch. This dam removal restored connection to the third largest New Jersey tributary to the Delaware.

Upcoming Industry Events

Sunday December 29

EPA Region 3: Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grants

The EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program aims to make it easier for small, community-based organizations—particularly those with low capacity or resources—and other eligible subrecipients to access federal environmental justice funding for projects that identify, document, address, and respond to conditions related to environmental and/or climate injustice.
Region 3
Includes DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV, 7 federally recognized tribes
Timeline: Applications are now open for Phase III Project Development Grants. Applications for this cycle close on December 30.
Application website: Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Thriving Communities
Find more information about other regions on River Network’s webpage about EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program.

Wednesday January 8

New Year Kickoff – EBC Connecticut Winter Gathering
New Park Brewing, 485 New Park Avenue, West Hartford, CT, 06110, United States

Tuesday January 14

EBC 7th Annual Briefing by the New England Dam Safety Leadership
Virtual Event, United States

Wednesday January 15

Project Management – EBC Ascending Professionals Coffee Hour Discussion
Virtual Event, United States

Thursday January 16

Fire Prevention and Response – An EBC Solid Waste Management Webinar
Virtual Event, United States


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