Phase 1 of the Strong Pond Dam Removal is Complete

This is the Strong Pond Dam Removal Project with a substantial amount of river restoration and sediment reuse. These pics are phase I final clean up of the upstream entrance to the newly aligned Norwalk River. Access for phase II is being built just upstream of the dam using the same rock that the riffle will be constructed in roughly the same footprint. Jarrod and his crew Matt, Jake, Austin are doing a great job. Jacob Glod has been getting good field experience and keeping paperwork straight on the job, and even did some laboring. Scott Brady is the PM on the job and working extremely hard back home coordinating subs, suppliers, hotels, and a ton more.

In Other News:

Cotton Gin Mill Dam Removal
East Bridgewater-Cotton Gin Mill Dam Removal – BEFORE RESTORATION Image photo credit (top right and bottom): The Nature Conservency In Other News:

Phase 1 of The Strong Pond Dam Removal is Complete
This is the Strong Pond Dam Removal Project with a substantial amount of river restoration and sediment reuse.

SumCo Updates Parker Meadow Boardwalk and Walking Trail to be ADA Compliant
Parker Meadow boardwalk and walking trail were upgraded to be ADA compliant. The project included a new helical supported boardwalk, upgrades to an existing walking trail, and a viewing platform over a small pond.

SumCo makes improvements to Louise Levingston Cove
Work included accessibility improvements, stormwater runoff management, protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat, overall recreational upgrades, and public safety improvements.