Teaneck Creek Restoration,
Teaneck, NJ

Ecosystem Restoration & Mitigation
Native Plant Communities
Infrastructure & Resiliency

July 2020 – June 2022


Environmental Benefits

Using Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance techniques for the project, we converted stormwater outfalls, including a heavily eroded gully known as “Stormwater Canyon,” into an integrated stream and wetland system. The conveyance systems were connected to sand seepage areas and berms that slow and spread stormwater throughout the site to reduce velocity and filter runoff, creating diverse wetland and riparian habitats. The innovative nature-based techniques employed at Teaneck Creek Park serves as a demonstration project to inform stormwater management practices throughout the County and State.

Project Elements

SumCo Eco remediated historic debris and landfilled materials that predated the establishment Teaneck Creek Park. The water quality and functions of Teaneck Creek which flows around the park were significantly deteriorated and the park had progressively become inundated by invasive Phragmites throughout the historic fill areas and rest of the park. In addition, the roadways and properties of this highly developed community coupled with more recent climate change impacts were causing frequent and major high volume/high velocity runoff events and floodwaters would then stagnate in the park. SumCo excavated root mat and soils contaminated with invasive Phragmites which was used for fill cover at a landfill in another county park. Sand and wood chips were imported and mixed (75%/25%) to create a 1 foot layer of new planting medium that was graded across the site. As part the site rehabilitation, historic fill and debris areas were excavated, trucked and buried in a designated landfill fill area. This was capped as designed in order to function as a park overlook/viewing feature, with future observation platform and public access. SumCo also constructed an innovative green infrastructure water conveyance system that included rehabilitation of existing ponds, and creation of a series of step pools with planted berms to manage water velocities, increase infiltration and improved water flows into and across the site to the Teaneck Creek. Choked rock flow paths were constructed into the steep pool berms to allow for managed overflows and additional water treatment. SumCo repaired heavily eroded steep sloped/excised stormwater ditches entering the park property from local road, installing large rock meandering bioswale spillways, to slow velocities and reduce erosion. Large areas were regraded, seeded and planted with native wetland plugs, herbaceous plants and riparian tree and shrub species to restore wetland habitats. The project improved water quality and water infiltration while restoring habitat for wildlife. Public access amenities included repairs and replacements of footbridges and trails that were impacted by washouts and dense invasive species stands.

Project Gallery