Every day, on every project, we are helping
to create a more adaptive, resilient, and
sustainable world.

Columbia Lake Dam, Knowlton, NJ

Columbia Dam Removal & River Restoration, Knowlton, NJ Ecosystem Restoration & Mitigation Dam Removal & River Restoration Completed: August, 2019 Value: $6,085,534 Project elements Removed

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Gateway Wetlands Mitigation

Gateway Wetlands Mitigation for NJDOT, Pleasantville, NJ Ecosystem Restoration & Mitigation Native Plant Communities Duration: July 2022 – October 2022 Value: $ 4.08 MM Environmental

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Russell Park, Keene, NH

Russell Park, Keene, NH Ecosystem Restoration & Mitigation Completion: (in Progress) Spring, 2023 Value: $2,860,000 Project SYNOPSIS Existing park demo, new field, site amenities, drainage,

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Coonamessett River Bog Restoration

Coonamessett River Bog Restoration and Bridge Replacement, Falmouth, MA Ecosystem Restoration & Mitigation Dam Removal & River Restoration Completed: June, 2020 Value: $2,474,780 Additional Highlights

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Heavy Duty Sand Drift Fence, Dennisport, MA

The purpose of the sand drift fence is to accumulate wind-blown sand to naturally rebuild/renourish a dune or the toe of a coastal bank. A “heavy duty sand drift fence” is for locations where waves and surf are particularly intense.

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